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Home > Classes > BJCP Exam Study Groups

BJCP Exam Study Groups

Beer classes

I typically conduct these BJCP Study Groups and administer an exam once per year. I have adjusted this study group program for the newer BJCP Exam structure that was implemented in 2012, as well as the newer style guidelines that were introduced in 2015. I have also videotaped this course and I am making it available on at least a temporary basis as I test some things. These videos are linked to below, as are the handouts and materials referenced in each session (Note that some of the links need to be updated and a final video needs to be added). NOTE: Check the BJCP website for the dates of the next exams scheduled for the Indianapolis area.

IMPORTANT: To make the BJCP exam preparation process a more spread out, logical, step-by-step process, and allow us to focus our face-to-face study group sessions much more on actual judging practice, which is more important than ever with the current BJCP exam structure, I have made either my Beer MBA classes or my IUPUI beer course(s) the "prerequisite" for the BJCP study group. Exceptions "may" be made for people with more advanced brewing and/or educational experience.

NOTE: The next BJCP Study Group in the Indianapolis area will be announced later in 2017 (or you can contact me). In addition to 3 or 4 face-to-face sessions, there will also be an online component prior to and in between those sessions. To be notified about upcoming BJCP Study Groups and other classes and beer related issues, please sign up for the email list AND email me at

Please use the form on the Contact page to provide any feedback on the posted videos and materials.

Regarding the documents listed below, several of these are available on the website and are exclusively BJCP copyrighted materials (see the BJCP website for updated files, copyright rules and regulations, etc.). These documents are not to be reproduced or sold in any way and are only provided as learning aids in preparing for the BJCP exam.

Regarding the other documents listed below, much of this information is a compilation of information from various people and sources, including John Palmer's book and website, (used with his permission - John's book is a highly recommended read and everyone interested in these topics should own a copy - Thank and support John by buying one). Other resources have tried to be acknowledged wherever needed. If anything was overlooked, and needs to be acknowledged, please contact us by using the email form on the Contact page.

For Session 1, you will need the following documents (in this order):

For Session 2, you will need the following document:

For Session 3, you will need the following document:

For Session 4, you will need the following document:

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Beer Styles, Brewery Operations, BJCP, Beer Expert Training for Cicerone®, and Private / Special Class Sessions All Available

Beer MBA classes are offered each Spring and Fall, BJCP Exam Prep and Beer Expert Training (for taking the Cicerone® exams) are scheduled as needed, and Brewery Operations courses are offered each Spring (and maybe in the Fall). Special class sessions for beer distributors, wait staff and others in the beer industry can be customized to meet your needs and offered anytime. Private sessions for parties and events can also be arranged. See Classes for more information!